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Hymns Refreshed

Same Hymns. Same Quality. New Music!

Why We Rewrite...

We revise old hymns because...



Since the time in which some of our hymns were written, general interpretation of music and expression of musical elements has changed in various ways. While we at Sacred Song firmly believe in all our music remaining distinctly sacred, sometimes a brand new tune can help today's listener understand the message of the words better than the original tune might.

Fresh Feel

Fresh Feel

Other times, the original music is honestly fantastic! But often a new tune helps you look at that fantastic song in a whole new way, truths revealing themselves that you might never have noticed before!

All Hymns
TitleStyleFree Download
Be Thou ExaltedWorshipView PDF
Channels OnlyTestimonyView PDF
Draw Me NearerPrayer & RevivalView PDF
Lifted LoadsTestimonyView PDF
SatisfiedTestimonyView PDF
Turn Your EyesTestimonyView PDF
I Will Follow OnTestimonyView PDF

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